Kulshan Community Land Trust
strengthens community by holding land in trust for permanently affordable homeownership and other community needs, and by offering financial and educational services to people of limited means.

Who We Are
KulshanCLT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit community land trust based in Bellingham, WA and serving all of Whatcom County.
Who We Serve
We empower low- to moderate-income residents of Whatcom County to become homeowners.
The CLT Model
KulshanCLT owns the land; you own the home. When it’s time to sell, you pass the savings on to the next homebuyer.
Looking for Pre-Purchase Counseling?
KulshanCLT is a HUD-Approved housing counseling agency. We offer FREE pre-purchase counseling to anyone in Washington State.
Interested in buying a home?
Interested in getting involved?
Want to learn more?